Introducing tfCFAR, Cancel For Any Reason service.

In line with our commitment to continue delivering exciting and innovative advanced ancillary services for our agency customers, Travelfusion can now offer a flight Cancel For Any Reason service - tfCFAR.

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Business Benefits

Fully integrated into tfFlight API, tfCFAR allows you to offer your customers refundable flights with no questions asked.

Generate revenues

Generate extra revenues per flight booking

Travelfusion handles everything

Refund process handled by Travelfusion, requiring no resources on your side





Standout Features

From intelligent supplier routing to all available ancillaries and fare types, and to post-booking - tfFlight API has you covered.

Seamless adoption

Fully integrated into the tfFlight API response, tfCFAR is returned like any other ancillary, allowing for seamless adoption

Expand your offering

Maximise your revenue by adding to your offered ancillary options

Instant Cancellation

Your customers will benefit from instant cancellation with no conditions, increasing the appeal of your booking platform

For more information and to test drive the tfFlight API with tfCFAR today, please contact

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