Payment on this airline can be processed via credit card, either by submitting your users’ cards or your own.
Payment via Travelfusion’s own tfPay solution is supported on this airline, allowing you to earn rebates while guaranteeing a 99% payment success rate. You can find out more about tfPay here.
The tfMerchant solution allows you to submit your cards to Travelfusion with Travelfusion acting as the merchant. You can find out more on this solution in the tfMerchant section here.
American Express, MasterCard, Visa Debit, Visa Credit
Terms and conditions for bookings on this airline can be returned in English during the booking process.
Confirmation emails for this airline can be sent in English according to your requirements.
Cancellation or void according to the fare rules is supported for this airline via Travelfusion’s post-booking APIs or our offline tfIBE tool. To find out more, please write to
Passengers may submit their frequent flyer number during the booking process in order to benefit from the airline’s rewards programme.
Seat type can be specified / Detailed options for the available seats